Alright. I’m back. And you’re back.
Why are we back?
Because my Follow Alongs don’t stop. Ever.
Ask STM sometime. My Follow Along over there is the default when their Newsletter needs some filler 😛
Anyway, we were doing pretty well on Traffic Company with Tunisia and Lebanon last time. And then I decided to test some different landers.
And you know what I found? (aside from Lebanon performance dropping like a rock?)
Something unexpectedly interesting.
They are all equally good. I guess?
They all sucked equally.
I had a crazy thought. I have this old Arabic lander that I ripped like 2 years ago that still features an iPhone X (remember those dinosaurs?) and decided to test it against these TC ones.
And guess what?
It crushed them statistically. Even against the cool TC spinner. The CTR (Click Through Rate) jumped from like 3% to 10%, but even better, the overall CR% (Conversion Rate) went from 0.10% (which is already OK) to 0.17% (which is really good)
You know what that means?
More money for me.
Unfortunately, the offers overall actually lost some steam. But… since it was super interesting, I decided to test the same idea in multiple geos.
And here’s where we are:
I got lucky on that top Tunisia camp, I know. But! Notice how using this old lander across all these Arabic geos on TC worked out pretty well, including Morocco, Yemen, and Mauritania. Lebanon, unfortunately never came back ☹. Also notice how over the next week, the combined CTR for everything ranged from 5-17% with an average CR% of 0.15%.
Basically, while TC landers are good, and perform better than Direct linking (of course), regular ripped landers from any spy tool like Anstrex or push.cpa.rip as I talked about last time will perform even better.
Therefore, I would test Traffic Company offers like this: Direct link to fish for good geos, then ask your AM for a TC lander, then if it continues to do well, find a ripped lander from a spy tool or translate an existing lander using one of TCs landers.
In any case, that’s what I’m going to continue to do on Traffic Company.
And you should too! ?
That being said, the majority of geos that perform well on TC (for me, so far) only speak a few languages: English, Spanish, French, and Arabic. You would do well to find some ripped/cleaned landers for those languages. And these will last you a looooong time and you can use them across many networks and offers.
That’s not to say other geos aren’t worth it. They totally freaking are. But you won’t get a lot of mileage out of an Ethiopian language lander outside of Ethiopia. And there ain’t that many networks that you can even find an offer for Ethiopia.
To be honest, I’m getting tired or looking at these Arabic geos (and I’m sure you are too!). I will continue testing them in the background********, but let’s move on to something a little more stable, and do some good old-fashioned SOI (Single Opt-In) Sweepstakes offers.
******** I need to pause here to make a quick point: Don’t jump around like this if you are starting out! If Traffic Company offers are working for you, or even close to break even with a slight loss, keep at it! Don’t give up too easily and jump to a different network, source, vertical, traffic type, etc. too soon! That is called ‘shiny object syndrome,’ it plagues many beginning affiliates and you’ll end up constantly chasing the next thing instead of hunkering down and figuring out how to make things work. I am going to keep these TC offers running as long as they are profitable, as should you, but this Follow Along is trying to cover a bunch of different topics, so I’m moving on to not bore you (or me) with the same camps/offers over and over ? ********
What is a good Network with nice SOI offers for beginners, intermediates, experts, and everything in-between?
I love Clickdealer. And you will too!
To be fair, there are a TON of CPA networks out there, and many of them are great, but CD usually takes lots of new affiliates, they have excellent Account Managers and they have a massive library of offers to choose from.
So, get your butt signed up there if you haven’t yet, because we’re going fishing.
Yes. Fishing for New Offers.
As always, an excellent way to start testing offers is to ask your AM for a list of the Top Offers in whatever vertical/geo you’re looking for.
Account Managers are usually super busy. They have a bajillion other affiliates bugging them on Skype/Telegram asking them the same thing. And to save time, they of course choose the same top 50-100 offers which are doing well. And then they send that same list to all of their affiliates.
So now you have a bajillion affiliates running the same 50-100 offers. And maybe only the top 10 of those, because 50 is pretty daunting.
Do you see the problem here?
If everyone is running the same thing, you’re all fighting for the same traffic and competing with each other.
One way to avoid that?
Test some New Offers that most lazy affiliates won’t even bother with.
How do we find those?
Well… we click on this…
And a bunch of New Offers pop up.
Wow! Look at that $110 Payout!
Don’t you dare ?
We can barely get a $0.35 offer to work, a $110 offer would bankrupt us.
You can sort the order by Payout amount so you don’t make that mistake.
So what do we choose?
Since we are dealing with pops, we need to go as broad as possible. This means mostly smartphones and some store vouchers.
Everybody wants a free iPhone.
Everybody wants a free voucher to go to the store to buy… an iPhone, probably.
So, don’t choose this:

Nobody cares about winning tires for their car while downloading torrents.
Nor this:
While I love chocolate, and Poland is a great geo to play in, it might work on push (which we’ll get to eventually), but it will most likely not work on pops.
Ooh, these store vouchers look promising!
And this could be fun.
Brazil has a ton of cheap traffic, so we’ll have to be careful. We can remove brokered traffic, only use Wifi, Portuguese language, and Android 8-11 to limit the targeting, and the payout is so low, that we won’t have to spend too much to cut bad placements.
Let’s do one more challenge:
It’s France, which is Tier 2 and has lots of volume, but if we’re careful with targeting (No Broker Traffic, Android 8-11 only, French language only- see the pattern yet?), we can limit it for testing purposes.
For now, this should do for getting our feet wet on a new network.
So we have some offers, in some Tier 2/3 Geos… let’s get them set up in Binom.
First, Binom has a nice Clickdealer already waiting for you:
Then we add our offers… and then we need some landers. Uh–oh.
Do we have all the landers for these offers?
Many options to do this. I would try them all, just for fun:
- Ask your AM for landers, that’s a good start 😉
- Or, remember how to use push.cpa.rip from the last post.
- Or, if you have access to a spytool like Adplexity or Anstrex then you can get it pretty quickly.
- Or, you can take an existing lander… like The Giftbox, and simply change the prize graphic and text.
- Or, you can translate an existing lander into the new language you need (Fiverr or even Google Translate can work)
There are sooooo many different ways to do landers, be creative, but don’t re-invent the wheel.
For example, I don’t have an Aldi lander in Polish. I have a great Quiz in German and a Spinner in English that I could translate, or I could use the excellent iPhone 11 Giftbox lander I already have in Polish and simply swap out the iPhone prize for an Aldi card graphic, then change the prize text from Apple iPhone to Aldi Gift Card.
Also! Keep in mind: Many landers will work for years to come (as shown above) so don’t worry about having to create landers every time you start a new camp.
OK. So here is what I’ll start with: Aldi in PL, S21 in FR, and Amazon in BR.
No iPhones and no Arabic ?
Alright, you know the drill by now, add the offer, lander, and create a rotation in Binom, then make a camp with that rotation.
And what will I use for landers?
I have an iPhone Giftbox in PL already, I’ll swap out the graphic with Aldi.

I have a bunch of landers for all sorts of garbage in FR. I’ll start with my Red Giftbox, since I’ve never done an S21 offer before. With that, I can simply swap the text and graphics to an S21.
And, I have a generic Giftbox in Portugeuse (with festive snowflakes on the boxes, probably left over from a Christmas offer) for gift cards already which I can shove Amazon into.
See a pattern? I told you Giftbox was fast and easy for testing offers. If any of these offers show promise, I’ll split test other landers, as we’ve tried before.
Geez, these posts are getting too damn long, maybe I should switch to making videos ?
Alright, I’ll run these offers on Propeller Pops using SmartCPM and create Blacklists by cutting zones that don’t convert at 1/2 payout.
This is a great way to run quick tests without blowing all your money on crappy placements. You could even do this at 1/3 and 1/4 payout for geos that have tons of volume (like BR and FR), but realize that you might be missing out on some good zones.
The more money you have to test, the more data you can blow it on.
But, let’s face it, I’m poor. So I’m doing 1/2 payout 🙂
Will any of these offers take off like a Gamestop stock?
Or will they all flop like a Disney Animation to Live-Action remake?
Tune in next time to find out!
(oh yeah, I messed up my Telegram address last time, so if I ignored you last week, sorry 🙂 Hit me up on @jaybot7 on Telegram for questions and comments, Thanks!)
See you soon!