In July 2018 Google will release Chrome 68, which will mark all sites without HTTPS-encryption as “Not secure”.

With this step Google encourages everyone to use HTTPS, which is the right thing to do, because this connection encrypts your traffic and make it much more difficult to intercept or read.
But there is a downside, without SSL-certificates your sites will be marked as “Not secure” and it, probably, will considerably affect your profit.
In order to connect HTTPS to your sites, you need SSL certificates, which you can buy from registrars or hoster.
They come in different types and values, and could be installed on the server by system administrators. Issue of the certificate itself can take from 5 minutes up to a couple of months – depending on its type. We will not go into study of this feature, we will simply provide you with possible solutions.
Hard option
For technical savvy people, the process of obtaining HTTPS comes down to simple steps:
– Buy or create a certificate
– Install Certificate
It looks pretty simple, but even at the first step it will require some knowledge and considerable time. If you have a system administrator – most likely he will do everything for you, but if don’t – you will need to learn bunch of nuances and spend considerable amount of time and energy.
Easy option
Some of you already know that from the beginning of 2018 our autoinstaller provides you with free SSL certificates automatically. The only condition for that is that your domain should be already assigned to your server (by the time you execute the script).
Since domains can change on daily basis, we also implemented this feature for every new domain. We did it both for your campaign links and for domains for landings.
Thus, the process of switching to HTTPS is simple and automated for our customers.
If you do not know how to connect to your server – you can simply ask our technical support, they will gladly help you.
Is it free?
Yes, because we use certificates form Let’s Encrypt (which are free) and this allows us to generate SSL certificates for any domain and at the same time not to lose anything, in comparison with paid certificates.
The service itself is actively supported by a huge number of large companies including Google:

Each certificate has its own validity period, but we also take care of that – during the installation process our autoinstaller configures its automatic renewal.
So what’s the catch?
No catch at all, just providing you with the best service we could 🙂