This update was dedicated to tracker’s interface improvement and small but important for many clients functions as Cap, multicurrency, root domain tracking, enhanced API allowing to manage all tracker’s content including traffic distribution in campaigns. We updated LP Pixel, currently it works solidly in all browsers and devices. We created intra-daily trends by hours (while they are quite limited, we are going to improve this function in the next update up to trends by all tracker’s metrics). Also, tracker security was enhanced with protection against brute force and two-factor authorization. But first things first.
CAP by conversions

To date CAP can be done only by conversions but in the next iteration it will be completed by other metrics as clicks, costs, ROI, etc. It works by two schemes by ways of preferences:
1) You can select alternative offer right after CAP
2) You can select next available offer in rotation (inside path), and if there are no available, then alternative
Time zone set up is also available.
Reworking of additional domain

Apart from interface enhancing the main novelty is possibility to track domain index page through special campaigns attaching. It can be useful for detection of moderators and bots traces (real traffic very seldom positions to root domain). Through this campaign you can use as index page any html with help of integrated landing. I.e. in actual words it’s possible to build a mini-site where on pages as will be Money Page or stubs for moderation while on index page will be “white content” + tracking opportunities.
We also added opportunities of domains mass adding and domain selection for meta-refresh in campaign’s settings. We’ve already implemented possibility of mass domain changes in campaigns and check of ban in Google.
Context Menu
We had a question of where to put secondary functions without interface overloading. So, we decided to create context menu in all reports. For example, for the Campaigns page it looks like this.
It allowed us to add different mini-functions such as campaign pre-view, cost update from campaign’s page. In report this is Drilldown, editing and landings and offers pre-view form report, etc.
Also, we added ability to change campaign without necessity to open Campaigns page. Plus, we a little bit overworked filters and export, enhanced calendar and added timeframes “last 2 days” and “last 3 days”, added report by users.
New LP Pixel algorithm
We created Pixel “protecting” algorithm for browsers that block cookies. Safari mobile, Facebook browser and other small ones, now it’s working as it should be and you can add easily without tracking redirects where you want.
Enhanced API
Now through API you can manage whole tracker, campaigns, users, offers, landings, rotations, traffic distribution, and even mark publishers. Detailed documentation is being developing, but following this link you can find all methods and usage examples. Also, you can contact support for consultation.
Protection against brute force and two-factor authorization through Google authorization.
After five failure attempts to enter tracker it is blocked tightly, and can be restored only with Support assistance. But at that time, we created function of password restoring through the Google Authenticator app. If you want to know how to use it, read documentation.
Perhaps someone didn’t notice this small update, which is the best update of this year in my opinion. I mean the “Trends” by the hour (it’s only for today and yesterday for now) for all the campaigns. I used to request stats through the “Campaigns” column to see how’s everything going (bad or better). It took much time to request 30-40+ campaigns at the same time.
So for now you can just go to the “Trends”, choose “Today” and see the stats by hour instead of days.
In future we want to improve this function, expand the count of days (like 1 week), and add sections for campaigns. Now you can see it in the “Info” in the “Campaigns” column
The full list of changes:
– CAP by conversions (doc)
– New algorithms LP Pixel (doc)
– Smart-meta-refresh (doc)
– Domain selection for meta-refresh (doc)
– Multicurrency
– Traffic distribution by a direct link to a domain (doc)
– Stubs “404” and “Blank page” by a direct link to a domain (doc)
– New system of API v2.0
– Initialization and usage of Token Marks by API
– Context menu
– Landing and offers editing from reports
– Update Cost from campaigns’ list
– Capability of campaign change in report
– Capability of campaign change on a campaign’s editing page
– Export reworking CSV, TXT, Clipboard
– Intra-daily trends by hours
– New graphs in trends
– New system of renewal
– Password restore function
– Two-factor authorization (doc)
– New calendar when selecting time intervals
– Rules coping inside campaigns
– New tokens: {campaign_name}, {event1}-{event10}
– Increased kernel stability
– Capability of elements search by regular expression
– Test link on campaign
– New templates of traffic: Traffic Factory, Facebook
– New algorithms of tracker cleanup (doc)
– Protection against “brute force” (doc)
– Reworking of filters in reports
– Memorizing of statistic filters particularly for each page
– New timeframes “Last 2 Days” and “Last 3 Days”
– Status limitations setup “With traffic”
– Capability to open report by users
– Reports grouping by campaigns groups
– Reworking postback to the traffic source and S2S, capability to use any tokens (doc)
– Reworking of groups interface (doc)
– Reworking of domains interface (doc)
In the next update (it’s already made by 85%):
– New geo, cities databases, ISP, connection type
– Support IPv6 + rules
– Notes 2.0
– Campaigns group editing
– Check for ban of domains
– API for clickid, information about click/conversion including future integrations with anti-fraud services
– Lists in filters
– Smart-rotation improvement by user path rout fixation
– Total field in custom columns