In July we worked out the interface, eliminated its weak points and finished functionalities presented in all trackers as predefined sources, multi offers on landings, tooltips in the interface, adding tokens buttons and lots of other small changes.
Also, we added a very handy function for reports filtration, traffic distribution on the bases of uniqueness and conversion (smart rotation). But first things first.
New interface for criteria choice
The old interface was quite simple, made hastily for the beta test. The new window looks like this
The new interface can still display criteria batched with the possibility to copy them by list, for example, list OS versions or devices types. Also, we implemented redirect by time, an option to exact match in a rule, rule of a click uniqueness by all tracker or by a campaign. In the next iteration, we will improve the general interface for settings, add paths in rules, possibility to change names of paths/rules, landings/offers editing from them and other functions.
Smart rotation
In all trackers, traffic distribution between paths, landings and offers takes place evenly, in random order respective to distribution weight. This is correct, but it is not in an optimum way. A user who saw your lander today is less likely to become a lead, than if he were shown another lander or path in which traffic would go to a new funnel or offer. The possibility that user will convert on the same path is small. To optimize traffic distribution taking into account these ideas, we have implemented this function a Smart Rotation in the tracker.
Filter system
With its help, you can easily get annual finished white or black lists of your campaigns, with the possibility to save filters and use them in the future with the help of the API.
It looks like this

List of changes
– Improved interface of selection window of redirect criteria
– Filter system in reports
– Predefined traffic source
– Multi offers on landings
– Traffic distribution by paths/landings/offers on the basis of click uniqueness/conversion
– Traffic loss percent in source and particularly in campaign
– Redirect by time
– Update cost feature is now faster 50x
– Redirect by click uniqueness by all traffic or by one campaign
– Possibility to choose exact match in criteria
– New kind of click id
– Quantity of decimals after comma was increased in CR
– Possibility to delete groups with assigned campaigns/offers/landings
– Current CPC in campaigns’ table
– Button “.txt” in reports with copy of column Name in report
– Transfer to lander’s encoded timestamp (token {htime})
– Parameter &exit=1 в – Clicked URL’s during its usage is not counted as LP CTR
– Duplicate algorithm on the bases of GET-parameters transferring to the landing
– Prompts in the interface
– Buttons for adding tokens
– Background reload function of statistic by days
– Database memory usage optimization
– Added to reports header to the campaign name of TS
– Advanced settings in campaign setup
What comes next?
The following week we will implement one more update up to version 1.0! We will implement a new, optimized database requests for statistic generation which will allow to dramatically increase download report speed by campaigns, especially of very intensive ones with 2-3 groupings with hundreds of thousand lines. For instance, Device Brand + Device Model + IP. This will allow downloading even the most demanding reports. Reports that were impossible to download will be generated in 20 seconds, what took 20 seconds will become available in 7 seconds, for example. Moreover, complete compatibility with all MySQL versions including MariaDB remains the same.
Also, the following week we are launching 1 Click Install of the tracker.
If this update is successful, then on August 1 we will release Binom Tracker.
During the current week, we will be transferring our users from test subscription to release. Pricing policy hasn’t changed, as it was initially planned. The first license will cost $99, and the second and further (additional) $49. All changes to the billing panel are completed. Now you don’t have to register multiple accounts for different licenses.
The new milestone for the product roadmap is going to happen next; it will be more responsible and interesting period.
Our plans for August
– Section Trends with reports by dates for all campaigns, by campaigns group, by sources, etc. with nice graphs
– Traffic distribution interface update. We will improve functional and renew design
– API input to the tracker. For example, if you want to perform a batch change of lander domains, costs of campaigns or download offers it will be comfortable to do through API. We will add scripting examples for API usage.
– Graphs in reports by campaigns, probably we will do some kind of dashboard to check it in one click all the main information by campaign’s traffic.
–Traffic distribution preset in campaign saving, and other ideas we can’t disclose for obvious reasons. Also, I think in release update to 1.0 we will arrange a user survey for those who updated their trackers, and question what functional should be added in the first place, as we did before. Previous experience was quite successful.
We ask all users to update. In case of any problems we are always happy to see you in skype Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
We count on your support!