September was quite efficient regarding the new functionalities.
New styles of statistic table
Some people do not like simple a white statistic table. We added two more styles of statistic table white-gray zebra and colored table where rows for profit have a green background, and un-profitable have red.
Additional users
Because of the popular request by clients working in teams and purchasing department in affiliated networks, we added the possibility to use additional users to the tracker with access rights for campaigns, offers, landing, sources, etc.

You can disable editing of all data, turn off displaying of profit/conversions/EVP. Each user can check statistics of his campaign. Also, grouping by user is available in all sections.
Publishers and other tokens notes
You can mark publishers sent to the black- and whitelists if you want to keep track of them in the tracker. Also, you can mark stopped advertisements, OS, and traffics types. Besides, there is the possibility to filter stats by these parameters, including filtering by API.

Also, we introduced marking of stopped/deleted landings/offers/ paths /rules. Now in campaign’s stats you can check active and inactive elements.

List of changes
– Publishers marking, filter by marking (including paths by API)
– Users tab with additional users with access rights and statistics
– Deleting and timeouts status in reports by offers/landings/paths/rules
– API: Adding, editing, deleting, recovery of offers/landings
– Conversion status
– Settings. Set up of the symbols after comma for statistic columns
– Possibility to filter by name occurrence in string
– Possibility to transfer reports to .txt file with a few selected groupings
– User notification about licensing expiration (in the section Monitor)
– Link changelog in the section Monitor
– Function “update cost” blocking by tokens (it still working slowly, and we experience some problems, function will be fixed in the next updates. For now, we introduced it on demand)
– Row subtraction of a totals line at the time of clicking on it
– Token {domain} displaying of campaign tracking
– Token {referrer} on landing/offers
– Table styles customization, namely white, colored, zebra
– Possibility to add personal parameters to landings URL in each campaign separately
– Rewriting of conversion payout during manual adding
– Possibility to filter by name in stats filters
– Submenu in campaigns reports opening by click instead of rollover
– Replacing of commas by dots during manual conversions updating
– Postback URL in Aff. network setup and displaying during adding/editing offers
– Time displaying between click and lead in hours, minutes and seconds
– We added filters in the option “filter by name”
– Response time improvement