Article, you can see below, is written by one of our users. You can find the original in his blog here: AffBlack
I often notice people wondering how on Earth do you cloak Facebook campaigns with Keitaro tracker? Personally, I don’t like this option at all as Keitaro offers no ISP lists. That is why I will show a better way of cloaking Facebook campaigns, namely with Binom.
Unlike Keitaro, Binom tracker has a comprehensive ISP list. It allows us to cut off the Facebook bots without relying on some shared IP database you found on a forum or got from a friend. Because such a solution is very likely to lose you a share of good traffic in the end.
If you are just starting out in the affiliate world and are a little tight on a budget, Binom is just your option for cloaking. Take my word for it.
By the way. Binom also has a great website grabber feature. Use it if you want an integrated landing as your white-hat facade to cloak without redirects. Just hit the +Grab button in the tracker. Insert the URL of the website you have your mind on and download it in one go.
Next step, create a campaign, set up the paths, and add traffic filters. You can also toss the Binom cloaker into the load while configuring the campaign. You need an ISP filter rule to make sure that the bot traffic is cut off. Facebook often uses Amazon and Google IP to vet our links.
Getting these ISP lists from Keitaro is your problem as well as your expenses. In Binom however it is a matter of several clicks. You can also add the filters for such VPS as Vultr, Beget, Hetzner, DigitalOcean, and any other you might think of. They can contain a bunch of bots. You better filter out all the known VPN servers as well. First, you need to find out the ISP for the selected VPN. It is rather easily done. Buy a VPN, switch it on, and click around your campaign using different geo settings. Check the Binom logs to see the ISP that has been used. Below I have a list of ISP for Facebook, Google, and Amazon as well as some VPS. You will have to research the VPN case for yourselves, however =)
Copy this list into the rule in Binom:
Facebook Inc
Facebook Ireland Ltd
Facebook Singapore Pte Ltd.
Facebook, Inc.
Facebook Singapore Pte
Facebook South Africa (Pty) Ltd
CDN Facebook
Amazon Corporate Services Pty Ltd
Amazon Technologies
Amazon Corporate Services Pty
Amazon Data Services Ireland Ltd
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Wifi Servicos de Internet Ltda
Amazon Data Services Brazil
Amazon.com, Inc.
Amazon Robotics LLC
Amazon Data Services Ireland
Amazon Web Services, LLC
Amazon.com Tech Telecom
Amazon Data Services Japan KK
Amazon Corporate LLC
Amazon Asia-Pacific Resources Private Limited
Amazon Connection Technology Services (Beijing) Co
Google Switzerland GmbH
Google, LLC
Google Peering at Global Switch SG
Google Peering at Equinix SG
Google Wi-Fi
Google China Infotech Ou
Google India’s Corporate Network
Google Corporate Network — Test
Google Australia’s Corporate Network
Google Corporate Network Test
Google CWB private VPN P2P
Google Ireland Limited
Google Corporate Network
Google Cloud
Google Fiber
Google Access LLC
Google UK Limited
Google Kenya
Google LLC
Google Fiber Inc.
Google Proxy
Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean LLC
Digital Ocean SRL
Digital Ocean, Inc.
Hetzner Online GmbH
Hetzner CC
Vultr Holdings LLC
Beget Ltd
Beget LLC
Wimax Broadband Services

Don’t forget to add a geo filter too. Accept traffic only from your target geo.
This is how you cut off 100% bot traffic from your Facebook campaigns without spending a ton of money on cloaking. It is really 100%? I have not seen any clicks coming from mobile operators or any other ISP apart from Facebook, Amazon, or Google at the launch stage of my Facebook campaigns. Not once. 99% of the time I see Facebook ISP bots. Maybe later when your campaign runs for some time it will be checked by a real Facebook moderator who uses a third-party ISP. Though, by that time you are likely to have already been banned for some other reasons by the Facebook fraud prevention feature.
Hope this fully explains cloaking Facebook campaigns with Binom. It is all fairly simple.